The KORG KONTROL Editor doesn't recognize the nanoKONTROL Studio when a DAW program is running.

* In case of the Windows standard driver, only one application program can use the microKEY/microKEY Air. To use the nanoKONTROL Studio from two or more application programs, please install the latest KORG USB-MIDI driver.

* The KORG USB-MIDI Driver cannot be used from a 32-bit application program and a 64-bit application program simultaneously. When a 64-bit DAW software is used, the KORG KONTROL Editor, a 32-bit application program, cannot be used simultaneously.

* The KORG KONTROL Editor cannot be used when the GarageBand/Logic Pro X is in use.

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    Simon Roberts

    " * The KORG KONTROL Editor cannot be used when the GarageBand/Logic Pro X is in use. " Does this mean that the nanoKONTROL Studio I have just bought, is actually incompatible with Logic Pro X???? I've spent all night trying to install it. Cannot seem to resolve a timeout issue that prevents it from receiving or transmitting any data via USB. Please advise? Logic Pro X 10.3., Intel Core i5, iMac 2011, 32G RAM running Sierra 10.12.4

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    Maximilien Gobiet

    Inbuy the nano kontrol studio and i can't do,it work with my pc under windows 10. The controller is working with my ipad and korg gadget.
    I install the driver and the editor but the editor doesn' t see the nano kontrol studio. And the error message, no midi channel found appear.
    It seems i do everything in the right way but i can' t do it work, and ableton live 9 doesn't see it anymore.
    If somebody could give me some help it would be great.

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    Jon Law

    Well now, this is interesting. I bought my NK studio when it first came out and used it quite happily for a while with my iPad pro, but tonight thought it would be cool to use it with my new Windows 10 setup. Three hours later I am about ready to chuck it in the bin!
    It simply does not work.
    I have downloaded the latest drivers & software, I have installed/uninstalled, reinstalled, changed USB cables, changed USB ports, tried my Mac and second laptop, promised to marry it, threatened violence, made a pact with Satan and sacrificed several of my neighbours pets. All to no avail.
    Thanks a lot Korg.
    I have lots and lots of your gear. I have always praised you highly.
    But your silence here is deafening.

    Yours disappointedly,
    Jon .

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    Jose Luis

    Logic pro was updated.
    my transport controls works but led indicator is not consistent. also all my knobs and faders became unresponsive. I think the CSP for logic and garageband (preset configurator) doesn't recognize my Logic version anymore.
    Is there any way I can get an updated copy so my surface control works correctly?
    thanks a lot

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    HI I bought a Korg NanoKontrol Studio, neither Ipad nor windows using both bluetooth & USB is not working can some one please help me regarding this. Now its like a useless device on my table. Please help me regarding this.

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    Benjamin Christopher

    korg nano kontrol2 , is not working with logicprox.. can someone help me on this

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    Dmitriy Kaloshin


    I have Win 10, Just arrived nanoKONTROL Studio, latest installed drivers
    BLE-MIDI Driver Version:1.12 r4
    nanoKONTROL Studio/KORG USB-MIDI Driver (for Windows 10) Version:1.15 r38e

    So Midi controller can be paired with Bluetooth, also visually looks workable (nicely lightning but NOT VISIBLE in Any my application like
    StudioOne, SampleTank and Korg Kontrol Editor

    Different combinations, reinstallations, restarts etc did not affect the problem

    In Korg Kontrol Editor I see as disconnected. If I attempt to connect manually
    by Menu->Edit->Preferences then also nothing. I dont see device in Midi in/Midi out

    Device manager says everything is fine, Driver is ok.

    Any other solution?

    Edited by Dmitriy Kaloshin
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    Lars Nielsen

    Same problem here. Tried all the above. Here is a little observation.
    As you all have tried. Drives installed etc. No errors, but still you
    can connect the editor.
    Either timeout or it can connect to midiport 0.
    So i looked into my daw Fl studio. Here it was avaible and marked
    as green. This indicates that FL which now supports midi scripting
    can talk to the device, but it's quite complicated.
    Just want to set up my scene for mixing like i can do with any
    other controller or midi keyboard i have.

    Might this be some kind of midi ID/port problem ?
    This is not related to the BLE driver, but korg latest usb midi driver.

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    Lars Nielsen

    PS: Some of the KORG's nice support staff may look into this if they read it. :-)

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    Christopher Hunt

    How to reset a Korg nanoKontrol2 to the factory default settings:

    Step 1. Disconnect your nanoKontrol 2 from USB power

    Step 2. Press and hold down the CYCLE, PREV TRACK, and NEXT TRACK buttons

    Step 3. While holding down those three buttons, connect your nanoKontrol 2 to USB power from your computer.

    Step 4. The transport buttons on the left side of your nanoKontrol 2 will blink a few times to let you know the factory reset is complete.

    Step 5. Release the buttons. That's it!

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    Korg Kontrol Editor doesn't recognize the nanoKONTROL Studio.
    I installed KontrolEditor_0170E, KorgBleMidiSetup112r4, DrvTools(115_r43e) Korg Midi Installer.
    What's wrong?

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    Corin Fairchild

    Same here - uninstalled and reinstalled Drvtools(115_r43e).exe with several reboots and the Kontrol Editor is not seeing the nanoKONTROL2. Korg - please fix the Editor software for Windows 10. It saw it once, let me set it all up, and then died.

    Edited by Corin Fairchild
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    terence lloren

    +1. This worked for me. I wish this post was at the top!

    Edited by terence lloren
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    Quando premo play su nanokontrol studio in Logic Prox si abbassa il volume stereo out ed inoltre quando apro korg editor mi dice "failed to open the midi port". Il problema del volume che si abbassa però in Garage band non sussiste e neanche se uso Nanokontrol Studio in Bluetooth.

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    Caz Coronel

    I am trying to get Traktor to see the bluetooth NanoKontorl Studio but I have no luck. I am using a MacBook Pro M1 (Silicon) OS Monterey. Both the mac and audio midi studio say the bluetooth is connected. I have downloaded the Korg Kontrol Editor. I have tried turning off all other Korg software incase its a 64/32 bit conflict. Please help! Many thanks in advance!

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    Juremir Alves

    meu nanokontol2, não aparece no korg editor mesmo estando com todos drives atualizados, também não aprece no ableton 11, Windows o reconhece mais não consigo usar. se alguém puder me ajudar, Email>

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