I can't connect the microKEY Air even though it appears on the Bluetooth MIDI list on my Mac.

Open "System Preferences" window and select "Bluetooth".
If the microKEY Air is on the "Device" list, delete it from the list.
Then try connecting the Bluetooth MIDI again.


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    A Qi Lin

    The software is very good, can share other music software will be better

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    Michael Loechel

    It was working fine, but now it does not. I think it happened when Apple updated their operating system to High Sierra. I get a message saying:

    "MIDI over Bluetooth is not available because it requires MIDI services to operate in 64-bit mode.

    The following 32-bit driver plug-in(s) are incompatible:
    Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers/EmagicUSBMIDIDriver.plugin/

    To re-enable 64-bit mode, remove the above driver plug-in(s) and then quite all applications using MIDI services. Hardware requiring these plug-ins will be disabled."

    The problem is that this driver (EmagicUSBMIDIDriver.plugin) does not exist in the folder
    Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers/ or it is hidden. I also do not how to remove a driver even if I could find it. Delete it?

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    Bob Novak

    Michael L, I have the exact same issue with my M-Audio driver.. did you ever find a work around to your issue? I cannot find that driver anywhere.

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    Michael Loechel

    Hi Bob N,
    Unfortunately not and Korg support has been totally silent on addressing this issue which is very disappointing. If Korg is not going to support their products, I will really think twice about my next purchasing decision. Very unfortunate, because I have been a longtime Korg fan and customer.

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    amauri rodrigues

    I've got the same message here... The following 32-bit driver plug-in(s) are incompatible

    But in my case there's no drivers in the list.

    Someone could help please?

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    Michael Loechel

    Hi Amauri,

    Did Korg (or anyone else) get back to you? I ended up buying a new MacBook Pro - works great now, but I would prefer not to have to buy a new computer for a ~$150 keyboard.

    I still do not know if I need the Bluetooth MIDI Connect for Mac software.
    Since it works fine, it doesn't seem like it's necessary, but it may make life easier.

    It would be nice if someone from Korg actually responded to these forums.

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    amauri rodrigues

    Hi Michael,

    No one answered anything ... I had a 37 microkey and sold it to get a 25 for more portability. They are great keybords. Then, when Korg launched the AIR models it blow me away, it looked perfect for my gear It made me buy the 25AIR and then 49AIR model in the sequence. Unfortunatelly, I don't know why it stopped working as bluetooth. None of the guides the provided here worked so far and there's no response from korg even for my emails. I used to follow Korg since they started with Korg Poly800, and I owned some great Korg keyboards. It's really sad the way they are handling this situation. Really hope they found a solution very soon. :(

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    KORG app

    We’re Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Could you please inquire from the following? We will support you directly.
    https://support.korguser.net/hc/requests/new Thanks, KORG app team

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    amauri rodrigues

    Great :)
    Just sent.
    Thank you!

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    amauri rodrigues

    Hi, KORG app team. I already answered your email last Friday, but there is no answer.

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    @amauri rodrigues or anyone. Was this ever solved? I get the same 32 bit error message on my computer. I REMOVED the file completely and deleted it, yet it still won't work. I've restarted my computer and have tried everything I can think of. I get the same error message now, but now it just says: "the 32bit drive plugin list is unavailable" . With no other options. Anyone figure this out? Definetely the last time I'll purchase a Korg product, this is awful.

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    amauri rodrigues

    They posted that message "We’re Sorry for the inconvenience" and encouraging to inquire... I did, and they sent me a e-mail asking for information about MIDI Drivers, macOS version, MIDI application name (DAW, Driver, etc,.), Audio/MIDI hardware device name... I answered on April 13 and since then they have not answered anything else ... 10 days... absolutely nothing... it seems clear that they do not know what to do.

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    wow. thanks for your reply so I don't waste my time with their tech support. I'm returning the keyboard that's ridiculous.

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    KORG app

    We’re Sorry for the inconvenience.
    I've reported the problem to support staff again and they sent a reply to follow up.
    We suspect 32bit drivers are the cause of the problem, and they have not removed from the computer completely.
    Can you please check the situation again and report us via support desk if the problem persists?

    Best regards,
    KORG app team

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    amauri rodrigues

    02MAI18 Nothing working, no email response... :(

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    KORG app

    We’re sorry for the inconvenience.
    I checked the support system directly and confirmed the email was sent.
    It was sent on Apr 24th.
    Could you check the email not marked as a spam?
    Sorry for troubling you.

    Best regards,
    KORG app team

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    Bob Novak

    Could you guys share this email or the solution? So, to recap (and I'm not the only one with this issue)
    -The following 32-bit driver plug-in(s) are incompatible:
    Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers/EmagicUSBMIDIDriver.plugin/

    To re-enable 64-bit mode, remove the above driver plug-in(s) and then quite all applications using MIDI services. Hardware requiring these plug-ins will be disabled."

    The problem is that this driver (EmagicUSBMIDIDriver.plugin) does not exist in the folder
    Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers/ or it is hidden. Hidden would be an understatement.
    In my case it's an ancient M audio 32 bit driver.. I DID delete it. But it says it's still there. I've gone through every possible way to remove it ..trust me... it's no where to be found on this computer.. how do you delete a driver if it can't be found. I'm not saying this is a Korg issue.. but it prevents me from using my korg bluetooth keyboard with my Mac and that is frustrating.. I've reached out to Apple and M audio and read countless forums and no solutions. Again, I don't blame Korg for this and understand the difficulties in solving something that can't be replicated ...but wish there was some workaround or update. I think this is only an issue for a relatively small group of users but nonetheless an issue that needs to be resolved. Will keep checking back for solutions. Thanks, Bob

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    KORG app

    Hi Bob,

    I talked with a device driver specialist but found it seems to be a really difficult problem.
    I would like you to check the following locations:
    - /Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers/
    - ~/Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers/
    - /System/Library/Extensions/
    Is there anything related to emagic?

    However it looks rather hopeless because you are prompted to remove the following.
    - Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers/EmagicUSBMIDIDriver.plugin/

    Several checklists I can provide for you:
    - Hidden is not enough, you need to delete the driver completely.
    - Cleanup the trash.
    - Power off the computer and reboot it. To my experience, restart is not enough in some cases.
    - Please check again the error message if it points to another path or not. If so, you need to remove all 32bit plugins until the bluetooth driver works successfully.

    That's all currently known to us.
    I hope you find a way to solve the problem.

    Best regards,
    KORG app team

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    Bob Novak

    Thanks for the quick response! Yes, tried all those things and searched every nook and cranny of Library and no 32 bit midi drivers. I imagine when the uninstaller ran for the old software and driver, it didn't remove everything and there's probably no way of locating it now. Oh well, usb cable for now with keyboard! Really appreciate you getting back and again, this doesn't appear to be a Korg problem. Thanks, Bob

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    To share my experience here. I was able to delete all files relating to the 32 bit driver outside of one. It is a .kext file and literally cannot be deleted by my system (that I know of). It is for a digidesign audio interface and is only viewable when I enable system files to be viewable. When I try deleting it, I get "x cannot be deleted because it is required by MacOS." I've tried using terminal commands to delete it to no avail. I'm not sure if this is what's preventing bluetooth midi from working, but this is the only remaining trace of anything digidesign, and this is the driver that was originally listed in the bluetooth connect 32 bit error message. I did manage to connect the bluetooth keyboard through bluetooth explorer, which can be accessed if you download the Xtools dev kit from apple. Even though I got it to connect through this method, I couldn't manage to get Ableton to recognize the keyboard, and I was unsure what to do from here. I have my keyboard all set to return, but if anyone provides further insight it'd be helpful.

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    @Bob , if you haven't already tried, including system files when searching for further traces of the driver/plugin is a must

    If it helps the KORG team solve this issue, the location of this kext file is:

    Library/Staged Extensions/System/Library/Extensions/[FILE.kext]

    Again, I'm not aware if this is the cause, but this is the only file remaining on my system relating to the error message, and it seems it cannot be deleted by any practical means.

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    KORG app

    Hi Michael,

    To me it looks like System Integrity Protection (SIP) introduced from El Capitan.
    That may prevent you from deleting the kext file.
    To disable SIP, you need to reboot the system via recovery mode.
    After the work is done, please turn SIP on again because it protects the system from malware.

    Please keep in mind that this is a procedure with high risk, we cannot promise the system to work properly with it.

    Best regards,
    KORG app team

    - About System Integrity Protection on your Mac

    - Configuring System Integrity Protection

    Edited by KORG app
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    amauri rodrigues

    I can't find Library/Staged Extensions/System/Library/Extensions on my computer... There's no Staged Extensions

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    amauri rodrigues

    No answer?

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    KORG app

    Hi Amauri,

    Following the discussion, I suspect the Staged Extensions directory is not related to the emagic driver.
    In order to remove EmagicUSBMIDIDriver.plugin completely, we need another remedy for the problem, though we cannot find it.

    Best regards,
    KORG app team

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    amauri rodrigues

    So, after 2 months did you found the remedy?

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    I've just been through the pain of this and after a couple of hours today I've finally cracked this.

    You have to go through Terminal and change the directory to the Audio directory in Library. If you need to, just drag the Audio folder across to the terminal window after typing in CD and then space. You should then get a confirmation that you are now in the Audio directory.

    Then type ls and you will get a list of the folders and files in that directory. You should then see the MidiDrivers folder, which won't have been visible in finder. Repeat the same cd command as above, followed by Midi\ Drivers and this should list the contents of this directory which will include the rogue EMagic file.

    Then delete this file using terminal commands to delete - these depend on the permissions you have on your system. You may get a permission error message - just Google how to get around that one. Once you have deleted the file, exit out of Audio Midi and go back in and the error message should have gone and you will be able to connect using bluetooth.

    I hope this works for everyone.

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    KORG app


    thanks for the instruction!
    This looks a long-awaited information for some users.

    Best regards,
    KORG app team

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    If I returned the keyboard 7 months ago because of this problem does that mean I get a new one for free

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    Bob Novak

    Fac35. Thanks for the update!
    I am able to go into terminal and I get as far as midi drivers but after prompting ls there is no list of anything. Could there be any other location to look at in terminal I may have missed? Thanks!

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