Where is the upgrade coupon code for KORG Collection?

If you are KORG Collection (NOT KORG Legacy Collection) user, upgrade coupon codes are distributed to your KORG ID. Please log in to your KORG ID and check the "Offer" section. If you have not registered your product, the code will not appear. So please register your product first. Product registration can be done through KORG Software Pass.




If you have registered your KORG Legacy Collection at KORG USER NET and have not yet transferred to KORG ID, you could get an upgrade coupon at the website.

1. Go to KORG USER NET, then login. (If you forgot your credentials, please reset your password.)

2. Please click the Upgrade Coupon in the menu on the right.

3. You will find coupon codes in the page.


Please note that M1 Le users could also find an KORG Collection upgrade coupon in this area if you registered your M1 Le at KORG USER NET.




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