What is unlockable in KORG Gadget 2 Le?

KORG Gadget 2 Le has a number of restrictions compared to KORG Gadget 2. However, you can unlock some of the restricted features. Here we would like to explain two things: (a) how to unlock the features, and (b) what features you can unlock.

Note: KORG Gadget 2 includes all of the unlockable features in the Le version by default.


How to unlock ?

Connect a KORG hardware product that includes a "KORG Software Bundle". For more information, go to https://www.korg-license-center.com/


Features you can unlock

  1. More gadgets are available
    • [iOS] Amsterdam and Brussels.
    • [macOS] Amsterdam, Brussels and Chiangmai
  2. You can use more tracks
    • [iOS] Up to 5 tracks
    • [macOS] Up tp 8 tracks

For more detail, https://www.korg.com/jp/products/software/korg_gadget/specifications.php


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