Digital Performer: How can I get the knobs, sliders, and meters to move smoothly?

By default, Digital Performer runs plug-ins in pre-rendering mode if their track is not record-enabled. This is the case even when the plug-in's window is open. Pre-rendering mode uses much larger buffer sizes, which causes the plug-in's user interface to respond in a slow, steppy fashion. Thankfully, Digital Performer also has an easy way to change this behavior:

  1. Open the plug-in window for a modwave native instance.
  2. Click on DP's mini-menu in the upper right corner of the plug-in window, just above the automation menu.
  3. Select the option "Run Open Instances of this Plug-in in Real Time."

MOTU DP Always Run Open Instances.png

Now, when a modwave native window is open, the user interface will respond smoothly. You only need to make this setting once; it then applies to any other modwave native instance.

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