Factory data is now downloaded to a temporary file on disk instead of into RAM. This should improve reliability in rare cases in which the user's computer did not have sufficient free RAM for the download.
Previously, the asterisk indicating an edited state often showed after changing performances in VST3 hosts. This has now been fixed.
Previously, with specific Program parameter settings, changing Programs rapidly could cause a crash. This has now been fixed.
MIDI mappings for Unison Ensemble effect parameters now appear in the MIDI Map list.
The installer now allows downgrading of plug-ins if a newer version is present.
Parametric EQ band enable 1-4 and Unison Ensemble effects parameters are now available for automation.
Graphics resources are now stored separately and shared by all versions of the EP-1, including the standalone application and AU/VST3/AAX plug-ins. This reduces the size of the installer download, application, and plug-ins by a substantial amount.
Previously, the Reverb slot inadvertently exposed Wet/Dry as a modulation and automation target. This has now been fixed.
Worked around problems in a shared library which intermittently caused minor graphics glitches when the UI size was not 100%. (These affected the down-arrow caret in the effect type selector and the "power" button graphic.)
Windows only: previously, in the standalone application, if a modal dialog (e.g. Settings) was open, and the Windows+D shortcut was used to minimize all windows, the application window could only be reopened by pressing Windows+D again (and not by clicking the taskbar icon or using alt-tab). This has now been fixed.
Previously, the Performance Volume parameter did not display the correct value when opening a previously-saved plug-in instance. This has now been fixed.
Removed inapplicable items from the published automation parameters. Previously recorded automation will still play back correctly.
Previously, when opening a pre-existing plug-in instance, some buttons showed the "Off" graphic even if they were On. This has now been fixed.
Windows only: Previously, the text in Effect Type selectors was sometimes slightly blurred. This has now been fixed.
For Volume and various effects parameters, DAW automation values now appear as a percentage of the control position. Previously recorded automation will still play back correctly.
In the Sound Browser and the Librarian window, Categories and Collections are now kept sorted even when initial selection is missing, and when showing "All Data" in the Librarian.
Some inapplicable items were incorrectly included in the published automation parameters. This has now been fixed. Automation compatibility has been preserved.
The initial state of the Sync to Host button is now shown correctly. Additionally, the Tempo field is now grayed out when Sync to Host is enabled.
The Performance, Effect, Scale, and Set List selectors include a "filtered list" icon between the inc and dec arrows. This icon shows that the list is affected by settings in the Sound Browser window (such as selected Categories, Collections, and text search). Clicking the icon clears the filters without needing to open the Sound Browser. There is now more space between the icon and the inc/dec buttons, which makes it easier to click.
Previously, playing notes via the on-screen keyboard worked only if the global MIDI Channel was set to 1. This has now been fixed.
When an updated version is detected, the download link now uses https instead of http. The previous use of http caused a security warning to appear in Chrome browsers.
Volume and Tempo now support automation.
Improvements to initial selection of the active Set List.
The "Buy" button in the demo version now leads to the correct URL.
Previously, when a Performance was loaded, if FX3 contained a non-reverb Effect Type, it was inadvertently changed to a Reverb Type and turned off. If the Performance was subsequently saved again, the original settings for FX3 would be lost. This has now been fixed.
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