Use the following procedure to restore the data.
- On the main screen, choose “add track button”.
- In the gadget list, select one of the unavailable gadgets (marked with a price tag).
- Click the "Restore" button in the top left corner.
* Make sure you’re signed in with the same Apple ID used to purchase the items.
Re-download doesn't work on Bilbao, because Gadget crashes all the time.
I've purchased Bilbao, Abu Dhabi and Darwin, but I got a refund for Abu Dhabi and Darwin (iM1).
Deleting Gadget, restarting the iPad and reinstalling the app doesn't work!
I'm on iPad 4, running iOS 9. Need a fix!
same problem here... i did buy abu dhabi, darwin and bilbao, but i'm not brave enough to buy the last one (but i'd like to)...
After the Gadget update, it's not possible to restore my purchases, because the app says 'no connection to AppStore' all the time, but Gadget works now. Wait for a fix!
running on iPad air 2, up to date, and latest gadget app v 1.2.3.
I have purchased both abu dabi & bilbao : impossible to get it nor to restore it.
Nothing happens and I tried every possible move ( uninstall , reinstall, unlog, relog, etc...)
Please do something before I run myself in your office !!! its been more than a month now ?
Thanks for information
Hi, I've purchased Gadget On my iPhone and I've downloaded it to my wife's iPad Air 2 via family sharing but I'm not able to restore Bilbao (which I purchased on my iPhone). Please can you advise?
any chance of a response to my question? don't really want to have to spend another £8 on something I've already paid for.
I have the same problem as Acksawjim. Any sign of a fix for this?
SOLVED: I had the same problem, after reinstalling Korg Gadget I was unable to restore Bilbao, Gladstone, Madrid and Abu Dhabi. The solution was to sign out of the app store and then sign in again. Then the gadgets could be restored. Hope this helps others with the same problem.
Unable to restore Abu Dhabi , very very frustrated with this,, pls provide some update to sort it out !
I've purchased Bilbao and it does not want to open says it needs to be restored I've tried everything and nothing works!!! I was in love with this app until now please fix or give people they're money back!!
The same problem, I've purchased Bilbao and Madrid the last week and no problem, but yesterday i´ve purchased Gladstone and I can not download.
Reinstall the app and now I can not reinstall Bilbao, Madrid and Gladstone.
Help Center I need a solution!!!!
Same issue, none of my in app purchases are working
Hey so it's impossible to find contact email for korg gadget support, I've just paid $22.99 for Gladstone & the same for Madrid, been running this app successfully for years now & never a problem, disappointing to see others here with the same issues.
I'm running iPad Air with IOS 10.3.2 and I've tried restoring & updating etcetc too many times it's starting to bug me, it says "restored" but when I try to select either of those gadgets it's says "Gladstone needs to be restored, sure to download?" "Yes" or Cancel !!!
What to do korg support ? Is this a known bug ?
Jbird - Email their support, they probably won't answer, but if we flood them hopefully they will. I will have to take course with my credit card company and have them file a charge back if this is not resolved. Thus far, I will say their support has been absolutely awful. I got one email response from them that asked me if I was using the proper apple ID and I respond yes, since then I have not heard a word or peep out of them.
Jbird - Try this email:
Newly downloaded Gadget app "Vancouver" refuses to load. Gadget app seemingly crashes, but reverts to home screen and hides Gadget in the background. Can I delete Vancouver and download a newer copy? (WITHOUT deleting the entire Gadget app? My iPad is IOS 10.3.3. Is that the correct IOS? What is the problem? Thanks! Brian Bothwell
I have korg AX3000G were i face for banking different notes like acoustic, phaser etc if you kindly send the method of banking it will be very useful As i have ZOOM 505 which very easy to bank. so kindly reply the same.
Please add support load samples from Audioshare to Stockholm gadget
can be more precise? What page is this. korg is so unfriendly!
Can i please get instructions on how to re-install Darwin iM1 without an iPad ??
I did previously bought it when i had the iPad wich i do not have any longer, i have all other gadgets restored properly but i can't do it with Darwin plug in since i don't have the iPad any longer.. Could i get guide to do it otherwise or a refund so i can purchase again ???
I just purchased Darwin in the app store, and nothing happened. It is not downloading. I have also lost alot of sounds on Glasgow. No pianos, no guitars, sax , trumpet etc.
What happened?
There‘s no Restore purchased Gadgets Button below the Instruments.
As the above comment notes, this article is no longer valid, it seems: they've changed the appearance of adding a new track and there is no button to restore purchases. Even if I go back to a song that uses one, it tells me that gadget is not available even though I had to have purchased it to use it in the track.
We have updated the article to match the KORG Gadget 3 version.
If anyone needs assistance, please reach us at our support channel:
Best regards from KORG App Team