How do I use save the program tone from iM1 in Darwin?

If you would like to use a program tone from iM1 in Darwin, please save the program tone in a Library Card in iM1. * Please note that the User Card does not appear in Darwin.

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    Vincent McGevna

    How do I save a program to the library card. I have tried following the user manual (pp59ff) but, there is no write button in the upper left, the write tab does not provide a menu and the file button on the upper left doesn't seem to be what I need???

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    John Hooper

    I'm still not sure how to save to card, it's really unclear can you describe the step by step process

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    Andrew Reissig

    I have the same problem. It's unclear how to save newly custom made tones into the library card. Please instruct.

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    Jace Cavacini

    I am unable to accomplish this task either. I noticed that another user indicated being unable to use patches saved to Library cards once buying the T1 cards, and I have that card set also.

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    Gunars Gj

    to KORG APP - is there a way to transfer edited M1 program or multi from KLC M1 to Darwin Gadget? And how to do that. I sometimes create complex programs on KLC M1 and I still want them to be playable on iPhone.

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    jan gressmann


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    Tuomas Munck

    I have another question regarding this - How do I upload my custom sound bank from iM1 into Gadget desktop? It seems Gadget projects lose their custom Darwin and iWavestation sounds when opened in Gadget Desktop.

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    David Cross

    Hi .... The manual is not clear on this (saving a patch to user or library cards). I try to Write to one of the user banks, but not able to exit the screen after editing the name. Return key does not work?

    Is writing disabled? Why?

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    Zack Cooper

    +1 Tuomas Munck's issue which seems like a huge one to me. I cant seem to figure out a way to import my custom programs from the iM1 Library Card to Gadget Desktop on Mac. I don't own Korg Legacy Collection, but Gadget Desktop is lacking in a Program import. Without the KLC M1 software, or the iM1 app on iOS, the Library card section on the Desktop version is essentially useless. This is a huge bummer to me because I created a bunch of settings and therefore songs in Darwin / iM1 that can't transfer between my iPad and Mac! If you are stuck trying to import from iM1 to Darwin on the iOS specifically, then you must save your presets to the Library cards and not the User cards.

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    Bruce Fleming

    Yet another user trying to save a preset in iOS Gadget 2's Darwin. It does not work.

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