Can I play using an external MIDI keyboard?

Of course! You can play Gadget using an external MIDI keyboard such as nanoKEY2 or microKEY, taktile etc. via iPad Camera Connection Kit / Lightning USB Camera Adapter.

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    Mike Beecher

    Using a Korg PA-600 through the camera kit usb connection, all synths in the Gadget app play perfectly except the Sustain pedal does not work (no filters set) and I have verified that Control Change 64 is being sent correctly. Is this an error? Mike Beecher

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    Ted Kusio

    I'm using an Akai MPKmini. How can I get the dials/keyboard controls to wortK with Gadget devices? Thanks!

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    Mike Beecher

    Connecting Akai MPK Mini midi controller to Korg Gadget app in iPad.
    There shouldn't be a problem. You will need to use the mini-USB cable supplied with the Akai and connect this to a powered USB hub to give power to the Akai. Then connect the output from the USB hub to the Apple Camera Connector (USB) to your iPad. You should now have midi control for any Midi controlled app including the Korg Gadget. I like to check the connection first using the Midi Monitor app to see exactly what Midi is being sent. Let me know how you get on!

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    Ted Kusio

    Thanks Mike.

    I can play the Akai keyboard no problem, but wanted to use the dials to edit the sounds. WIll try out the Midi Monitor app and see if that helps me see what does what.

    Midi mapping for Gadget controls would be a damn nice feature in a future version though... :)

    Thanks again!

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    Can i play using iRig Keys without Camera connections kit but with the cable irig in dotation?

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    Frank Lockwood

    Yes, I was able to connect my iRig keys and it works fine,

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    Jeroen Kwak

    I would like to stop, play and switch between scenes with midi (whith the Roland td-9 or Roland Octapad spd-30). I know this is not possible at the moment, but is this a possibility for a next update? It would make the app even better and more useable for live performances!

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    Cherundio Shepard Carmine

    I have an M-AUDIO/Keystation Mini 32 and bought the Lightning to USB connection in order to use Gadget and the MIDI Keyboard. Yet I cannot make it read it or play. Any suggestions or help please!

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    Vire Bertrand

    Download MidiBridge !!!

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    Compu Guy

    How can i set up my Launchkey Midi Keyboard to work natively with the Korg Gadget app? At the moment only the keys and pads work but not the sliders and dials. Thanks

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    KORG app

    @Compu Guy
    Each Gadget has different assignment for Control Change events.
    Dive into Gadget view which you want to control and then tap the Function button. You can see the CC# assign list on the right.
    Select a parameter you want to control then slide a slider. The slider will be linked with the parameter.

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    Gary Rodriguez

    Does each gadget or track have a separate MIDI channel? Can you layer more than one gadget to be played together with an external MIDI controller?

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    Stephen Hite

    Please let me know what keyboards are supported and how to configure. I could not get this to work with my 49 key M Audio WS

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    Gunars Gj

    Does each gadget or track have a separate MIDI channel? Can you layer more than one gadget to be played together with an external MIDI controller?

    I think not yet and not with 1.2 :/ but if Korg decides to allow full channelized midi i/o support - that would be a total gadget revolution

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    Indeed, that would be a very usefull feature...
    Also make slave sync Gadget is fine, but it needs a way to send to Gadget loop/unloop tracks, and a midi control to change tracks.


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    ♓Fish Ichthus♓

    Hello, ^^

    Is it possible to use USB hub connected to Apple Camera Connector? Cuz I want to buy one if it works. :D

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    Jake Kent

    Hi all. Can anyone help me? I've got a Korg Taktile and can play the midi instruments but controlling all the dials is a bit of a mystery and I can't get any reliable smooth control over anything. What is the best way/settings to use the Taktile with Gadget. Any help will be greatly appreciated.



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    Hans Gustafsson

    Hi! I am a happy owner of NanoKontrol Studio and wonder how to control Gadget using different scenes from the controller? I would like to be able to have one scene for controlling the mixer (default native mode) and switch to other settings with the scene button and control different parameters in Gadget instruments. When I connect the NanoKontrol with Bluetooth the scene button is dimmed. Next question is how to play chords in Gagdet with one button using a Korg Microkey (or any other external midi keyboard). I know the NanoKey Studio is made for this but is this not possible with other keyboards?
    Best, Hans

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    Lucas Young

    Hi Guys

    I have an iPhone 7 with the full version of Korg Gadget, and a MicroKorg XL+. I'm trying to use a PlugKey to connect the two with no luck. Is there a trick to this, or has anyone had any experience getting this setup to work?


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    Hi All
    How can I use Gadgets as sequencer for Kronos, using Kronos sounds, KARMA, & every thing?
    I mean I dont want to use the gadgets instruments, I just want to hear the My KRONOS sounds, but with using the Gadgets sequencing system like any other DAW system.

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    T Mance

    I don't think you can just use the sounds of the sounds of the Kronos or any other external workstation, if so please tell me how. I have my Yamaha Montage connected to a Focusrite ITrack dock which has a USB input so very easy to connect with and control audio.

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    Hi TMance,
    Thanks for reply ,I would tell you if I know, but I don't 😉
    I am afraid that makes SOUNDCAMP (the free app from SAMSUNG ) more handy than my purchased KORG GADGETS !

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    Berg Martins Provetti

    I have the iM1 and the iWavestation on my iPad Air; I have two Roland keyboards, XP50 and D50; how do I play the iPad synths using either one of these keyboards? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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    Gunars Gj

    the easiest way is - Plug Key -
    But, of course, there are cheaper and more complex/more capable and more expensive alternatives too

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    Berg Martins Provetti

    Thank you, Gunars Gj!!

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    Al Mur

    I am trying to use Xkey keyboard, however when I select chords in the Gadget, I can only play them on ipad screen. If I press a key on the keyboard it plays a single note.
    Does it mean that the chord function works only on ipad but not on external midi controller?

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    Bertus De Leeuw

    I have the same problem on my mac, when I use chords I cannot record them. It only plays a single note and when I click with my mouse it will not record..

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    KORG app

    Thank you for your message.
    Current code mode does not work with MIDI input. We will consider the correspondence.

    Best regards,
    KORG app team

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    Neil Thomas

    Just got my Launchkey mk2 paired and working with Korg Gadget on Ipad (great app!) , and i too have discovered that the chord function doesnt translate from the iPad across to the midi keyboard. This would be a great thing to make possible.

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    Gerry McCarthy

    Hey there. Looks like last reply was more than a year ago. For 2019, what is a good keyboard to plug into an iPad and use with Gadget? I had a iRig 37-key MIDI controller but wasn't happy with it at all. Had some latency issues.

    Anyway, thanks in advance!

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