The app won’t start up

Try the following.

  1. Close all iOS apps that are running in the background.
  2. Turn off the iPad, and then restart it.
  3. Delete the app and reinstall it ...

※ Use caution, since this will erase all data and settings.

Instruction of Backup data.

  1. Set your iCloud account on your iPad.
  2. Tap the Settings icon in the upper right of the screen, and tap “Backup/Restore” > “Open”.
  3. Tap “Create Backup” in the upper right of the displayed screen.
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    Rich Brown

    I have tried to open Ipolysix after iOS update on IPad 2 will there be an update for ios8

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    KORG app

    Our development team is working to fix this problem right now.

    Unable to launch apps on iOS 8:

    Thank you for your patience while we solve this.

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    Paolo Di Lernia

    I have the same problem
    Waiting update

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    amruta purandare

    when is the next update expected to support iOS 8?

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  • Avatar
    KORG app

    We've submitted iOS 8 compatible updates of all KORG apps to the App Store.
    We'll release them as soon as they're approved. Thank you for your patience.

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