Make sure that the volume of the iPad itself is raised. You can also enjoy greater volume and higher audio quality by using headphones or external speakers (amplified speakers).
I have to crank the volume out from my iPad and crank the volume on Korg plugKEY and then even pretty much crank the volume on my Focusrite audio interface to even get a bit of sound...ridiculous because other soft synth apps I use work perfectly and here I'm using the Korg plugKEY with the Korg iMS20 and it is terrible
I have to crank the volume out from my iPad and crank the volume on Korg plugKEY and then even pretty much crank the volume on my Focusrite audio interface to even get a bit of sound...ridiculous because other soft synth apps I use work perfectly and here I'm using the Korg plugKEY with the Korg iMS20 and it is terrible