What is Polyshare?

Polyshare is a function for iPolysix users to share their songs. It’s based on SoundCloud, the song sharing service favored by music creators. You can make your song available to iPolysix users around the world simply by uploading the song directly from the app. iPolysix users in countries you’ve never heard of can listen to - and rate - the songs you create. If you’re not comfortable creating a new song, try collaborating on a remix. You can download remixable tracks that other users have uploaded, and try your hand at them. You can also upload unfinished songs for other users to remix. It’s easy to enjoy remixing and collaboration with users around the world.

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    Polyshare does not display correctly on my iPad 2. The remix function does not work either. Could you please fix that soon.

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    Finally officially dropped support for the polyshare feature. This was really innovative and will be much missed.

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    BTW, you shouldn't still advertise it on the iPolysix product page, in you dropped it.

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