Different wavestate models
All updates apply to both the original wavestate, wavestate mkII, and wavestate SE, except where specified otherwise.
How to update wavestate hardware
To update wavestate hardware, use the Korg System Updater. The Korg System Updater installs software updates onto select Korg hardware instruments. Currently, this includes the wavestate, modwave, and opsix instrument families. It automatically detects supported instruments, and connects to an internet server to find the latest available software versions.
Version 3.1.8
- Previously, incrementing through Performances from the Keystage via MIDI 2.0 CI might not have worked correctly if a Performance was in more than one Slot in the current Set List. This has now been fixed.
Version 3.1.7
New Features
- New user-requested modulation sources have been added:
Pitch Bend+ and Pitch Bend- use only positive or negative pitch bend movements as the modulation source, ignoring the other polarity.
Random 1+ and Random 2+ generate random positive numbers, unique per voice, at note-on.
Random 3 +/- and Random 4 +/- are similar, but the generated numbers may be either positive or negative.
Constant Max generates the maximum modulation value (which can be thought of as either 1.0 or 100). - All LFOs have been updated to include a Free-Run mode (including Trigger controls), Curve mode (Symmetric/Asymmetric), and Delay.
The new Sync Notes Mode parameter controls behavior when Sync Notes is On.
Sync Notes: start phase syncs to the oldest sounding note, but with note-specific modulation. This is the classic "Sync Notes" behavior.
Free Run: all notes share a single LFO, which starts when the sound is selected and only re-starts if specifically triggered. - MIDI CI functionality is now supported, for connection to the Keystage.
- New effect: Orange Phase V2, an updated version of the Orange Phase effect. The original Orange Phase is still available, for compatibility with existing sounds.
Other Improvements
- Program Transpose is now split into two separate parameters: Octave (+/- 4) and Transpose (+/-12). Previous settings will be preserved in the new format; for example, an old Transpose setting of +30 will now be shown as Octave = +2 and Transpose = +6.
- Previously, if Convert Position was set to Post-MIDI, the Transpose mode was set to Transposes Scale, and Global Transpose was non-zero, then Scales would not be transposed correctly. This has now been fixed.
- Previously, Active Sense messages might be sent on 5-pin MIDI even when there was other MIDI traffic. This has now been fixed.
- Previously, reception of long SysEx messages over 5-pin MIDI could interfere with Active Sense timeouts. This has now been fixed.
- Previously, for the wavestate SE and mkII only, dense streams of events over 5-pin MIDI could increase timing jitter. This has now been fixed.
- Previously, it might have been necessary to refresh the mod list (by toggling between Layers, for instance) before modulations added in the Editor/Librarian were shown on the hardware display. This has now been fixed.
- Improvements to Editor/Librarian undo/redo when selecting Presets.
- Previously, in very rare cases, the front panel sub-CPUs might have crashed on startup. This has now been fixed.
- Previously, when sounds with an all-numeric name (e.g. 6789) were duplicated in the Librarian, or imported with the "make unique" option enabled, the system would append several random numbers. Now, it appends simple, upward-counting numbers.
- Previously, moving multiple Envelope knobs quickly and at the same time could cause the Envelope graphic to lag behind the knob movements. This has now been fixed.
- If a button is pressed, and then a different button is pressed, the double-click timer is now reset.
- Previously, if Performance Hold was on and a new Performance was selected, the old Performance might be heard for twice the specified SST Hold Time. This has now been fixed.
- Setting key zones with Enter + note press now takes the Octave setting into account.
- Previously, if a Set List Slot referred to a Performance, but the Performance had been deleted, selecting that Slot could cause a crash. This has now been fixed.
- When Knob Mode is set to Scale, initial knob movement now provides smoother results.
- Improved resistance to possible edge-case problems in User Sample Bank reception.
- If you are holding a chord with the Arpeggiator on, and turn off Local Control while still holding the chord, the Arpeggiator now stops correctly.
- Constant Time portamento now works as expected in conjunction with mono legato voice allocation.
- When a new FX Preset is selected, FX Edit Knobs 1/2/3 are reset to 0 (so that the FX Preset sounds as intended). Previously, however, modulation routings controlling the FX Edit Knobs would be retained, which could cause the FX Preset to sound differently than intended. These modulation routings are now removed when a new FX Preset is selected.
- Previously, adjusting the VOLUME knob would cancel the "Add New Modulation" dialog. This has now been fixed.
- Previously, when the list of modulation sources was displayed on the screen, the VOLUME knob was unresponsive. This has now been fixed.
- Other improvements to performance and stability.
Version 3.0.9 (wavestate SE and mkII initial release)
New Features
- Added Aftertouch Source on Utility/Controllers page. This allows you to use Poly Aftertouch to control existing Aftertouch modulation routings, without needing to create new, dedicated Poly AT routings.
Off: All aftertouch will be ignored.
Channel: The mod source "Aftertouch" receives Channel Aftertouch. Poly Aftertouch can still be used via the dedicated Poly AT mod source.
Poly: The mod source "Aftertouch" receives Poly Aftertouch. Channel Aftertouch is ignored.
Channel+Poly: The mod source "Aftertouch" receives both Channel and Poly Aftertouch. If both are sent simultaneously, the most recent value is used.
Other Improvements
- Playing notes with Performance Hold enabled could eventually cause high CPU usage, and then cause the instrument to freeze. This has now been fixed.
- If Step Solo was enabled, and then the Layer is changed to Single Multisample, the light for the soloed Step would keep flashing. This has now been fixed.
- If Step Solo was enabled, and then the Select window was shown (for selecting Performances or Multisamples, for instance), the light for the soloed Step would keep flashing. This has now been fixed.
- Activating Step Solo from the Editor/Librarian now causes the corresponding flashing Step indication on the instrument.
- Previously, if the Performance was saved while Step Solo was enabled, the flashing Step indication would turn off but Step Solo would remain active. This has now been fixed.
- When the Utility page was shown, artificially high MIDI loads combined with Performance changes could cause a crash. This has now been fixed.
- Under rare circumstances, deleting a Performance could have caused a crash. This has now been fixed.
- The layout of the Common Pitch page's portamento section has been improved.
- Adding Steps from the Editor/Librarian did not refresh the list of modulation targets, causing an error message to be displayed if the user attempted to modulate a parameter in the newly added steps (though this would work after saving and restarting). This has now been fixed.
- The Shape Lane's "Controls Volume" feature is now applied at the initial note-on transient.
- Previously, in rare circumstances, deleting all of the characters in a name and then editing the name might have caused a crash. This has now been fixed.
- Previously, Vector Volume might not have applied to the initial attack transient. This has now been fixed.
- Previously, when using MIDI mod sources, the Master Reverb would only respond to MIDI Channel 1. It now responds to the Global Channel.
- When modulating Channel destinations, Poly Aftertouch now uses the value from the most recently played note which is still sounding.
- Previously, if Local Control was changed from on to off while the Arpeggiator was playing, notes could hang. This has now been fixed.
- Previously, two related Multisamples were both named "Prc: Clap Mad Analog." They now have suffixes to differentiate the names.
- If Shift has been latched in the on state, opening a modal list (such as Performance Select) turns off Shift.
- Other improvements to performance and stability.
Version 2.1.3
- Configuration of NCM networking for Windows 10 and 11 is now automatic.
- When mounting the wavestate volume via USB Boot Mode, Windows 10 and later should no longer display a suggestion to format the volume.
- Vector Envelope release now starts from the current position of the envelope.
- Performance Hold no longer causes delay and discontinuity when used with the Arpeggiator.
- Randomize Arpeggiator now works properly.
- Capitalization of FX on the Randomize page is now consistent.
- Previously, when the Mod Source, Show In Mod List, or Add New Modulation pages were displayed, the Volume knob was inoperable. This has now been fixed.
- Previously, using Performance Hold in conjunction with the Octave buttons could cause stuck notes. This has now been fixed.
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