How can I import data from the KORG Legacy Collection Mono/Poly?

This imports data from the KORG Legacy Collection Mono/Poly.
The data imported can be written to the iPad/iPhone and loaded into the iMono/Poly app, using iTunes software on a computer.

From the KORG Legacy Collection, please export the file as follows.
FILE button> Save> Bank or Program. It imports into iTunes software.


The file formats that can be imported into KORG iMono/Poly are as follows.

Bank File: .mp4bank
Program File: .mp4prog

* You can not import fxb / fxp of KLC Mono/Poly.

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    How can I save banks to MP4BANK format in KLC mono/poly?

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    This method described above does not work, and needs an update and more detail from Korg.

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    All the Mono/Poly PC/iPad/Gadget versions do things differently! If you want to export from Mono/Poly (Mac/PC) to iMono/Poly (iPad) then in Mono/Poly go to the Main edit window bottom left. Choose a Bank A, B, C, or D. Then click 'SAVE', you will have the option to save the entire bank or just the current program. Next you have to fire up iTunes and transfer the file you've just saved to the iMono/Poly directory on the iPad using the iTunes sharing files option.
    Now, in iMono/Poly (iPad) click on the currently loaded program name - top middle of screen - select the User Bank , click Import and you should see the file you've just copied over.
    Note that it doesn't work the other way - you can't export iMono/Poly programs to Mono/Poly. iMono/Poly's export function will only transfer User programs to Montpellier (Gadget) and although Montpellier can import/export its own User programs, no other Mono/Poly variant can open them.
    It took me a few hours of trial and error to work this out and I'm now quite crazy. Hope that helps.

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