Installation procedure

1. Download the installer from e-mail link*1.
Double-click the downloaded KORG Gadget Le.dmg file.
3. Double-click KORG Gadget Le.pkg to open the installer.
4. Follow the instructions on the screen to install KORG Gadget Le for Mac.
5. After installation is complete, open KORG Gadget Le to carry out license verification.

*1 High speed wired network recommended.

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    For me at 83,difficult

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    KORG app

    We’re Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Could you please inquire from the following? We will support you directly. Thanks, KORG app team

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    Jeffrey Williams

    I just purchased the KORG M1 VST for Mac...I am having problem with installation...well it installed and the files even show up in my vet and component file on my Mac. I am running High Sierra as my security. Please help...Ive uninstalled twice.

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    Dij Rib's

    is beautiful

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    Sebastian Wichmann


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    Leopardo Biz

    Nice :) 

    Edited by Leopardo Biz
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    Pedro Felicio


    I'm from Brazil. The "province" button doesn't show the options...

    Edited by Pedro Felicio
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    Giba Ferraz

    I'd signed up as well as downloaded the gadget 2 free version, but it won't open in mac (macbook pro, sierra 10.12)
    when I try to mount the dmg files it shows up an error saying: "no mountable files system"
    any suggestion, help?


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    KORG app

    Dear Giba Ferraz,

    Thank you for your comments.
    We are sorry for the inconvenience.

    The dmg file may be incomplete.
    Could you try the download again?
    If the problem persists, please let us know from the following.

    Best regards,
    KORG app team

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    lidia estevez

    I don't recieve the email, so I can't download the instaler. Could you help me?

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    Емельянов Константин

    I don't recieve the email, so I can't download the instaler. Could you help me?

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    Andre Sierig

    Nice xd

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    Ashley Graetz

    The change you wanted was rejected.
    Maybe you tried to change something you didn't have access to.

    Why does it say this when I go to register?

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    MACAU Ma

    I've just purchased the software. However, as I install it, the whole screen froze after I clicked "Agree".

    Could you help me?

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    Absolutely the worst experience ever trying to install triton! The easiest part was paying for it. 24 hours later at least, and nothing is happening. Could you help me?

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    Arthur Page

    This is ridicules why so complicated I just want the software and can't get it

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    John Kispert

    hello, i recently picked my self up a korg microkey 37 key midi keyboard, I got a card with it and it had a code. i searched korg software bundle on google, put in my code, then it gave me a list of things to get. the first thing that came up was korg gadget 2 le for mac. I want it for windows 10, i tried having someone else do it. I need help with this as soon as possible

    Edited by John Kispert
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    Cal -

    why is it when i try opening the installer it just trys dowloading it again

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    James Brohard

    These Korg Websites are set up so badly!!
    According to what I read, Korg Gadget 2 LE is supposed to have plugins avaliable for the PC yet there are NO LINKS, and NO INSTRUCTIONS on INSTALLING THEM!!!
    Not everyone own's a MAC or IPAD. There are far more PC's in the world then those devices. I purchased several KORG products that always have inserts that lead me to this free software information and I'm ALWAYS frustrated by the same LACK of information on how to install the free Gadget 2 Plugins for PC's.
    Come on KORG, surely you can do a much better job at creating webpages that include this information for us owners of PC's as our music creating devices!!!
    PLEASE RESPOND AND FIX THIS ISSUE ASAP or I may just take my KORG DEVICES back to the vendor and purchase devices that are more windows friendly!!

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    Adam Kłapszta

    Hi, could someone finally explain how to install the application on windows?

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    Sorry but I have to say "inconvenience."

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    the installer won't download from the link sent

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    Jeremiah Sims

    Currently downloaded the Korg Gadget Le twice but every time I try opening it it’ll say the app crashed unexpectedly.

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    Jerry Ceja

    No version for pc ?

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    kosi hidama

    I clicked the link on the email for download several times but it only shows empty page and doesn't download anything. What to do???

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    tas boi

    i downloaded it but i dont know what to do im downloading on windows will that still work?

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    Jared Keller

    You've got to be kidding me. There's no "Click here to download" link. There is literally a link to the page you are already on. Download Procedure: 1. Download the installer from e-mail link*1.
    Great. Where is the email? I've never seen anything like this.

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